Pyramid Architectural Designs LTD


Company Name: Pyramid Architectural Designs LTD



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Categories: Architecture


Company Overview

Pyramid Architectural Designs LTD: Providing Precise Architectural Drawings For A Hassle-Free Project

Pyramid Architectural Designs LTD ( is pleased to offer high-quality sets of architectural drawings for their clients’ construction projects. Working with customers throughout the North East and North Yorkshire, this company’s team of professional architects Middlesbrough based are committed to providing reliable services that will ensure a smooth construction process.

Their architects always ensure that their 2D drawings are clear and concise. Because of this, clients who will avail of their services can avoid issues with their contractors and receive more accurate quotations. According to Wendy Johnson, one of their previous clients, “Pyramid Architectural Design were a pleasure to work with from day one. James and Ben visited site to asses the possibility of a loft conversion at my rental property in Redcar. Following the initial consultation, the guys went away and produced the concept drawings which we then went over. The plans were then submitted for planning permission which in turn was granted by the local authority. The plans were then turned into a set of construction drawings from which my builder could quote from. The plans were approved by Building Control at the 1st attempt.” The company can also revise drawings based on their client’s feedback as well as give optimised design solutions at all times to guarantee customer satisfaction.

Pyramid Architectural Designs LTD also provides affordable 3D visualisation services so clients can envision the proposed works more clearly. Since the company uses advanced software and techniques in creating realistic 3D visualisation, more time can be saved for the entire building process compared to using traditional planning proposal methods like creating physical models.

Aside from producing comprehensive drawings, Pyramid Architectural Designs LTD can also create stunning bespoke architectural designs for their clients. According to them, “It’s our job to explore all possible design concepts to give you the most feasible and design savvy look”.

Furthermore, their professional architects can help improve the energy efficiency of a property, which allows clients to achieve the lowest fuel bills possible and save money. They are able to do this through SAP Calculations, a document that is required to get an Energy Performance Certificate, a report that assesses the energy costs of a house.

For clients who are interested in acquiring their services, visit their website at

About Pyramid Architectural Designs LTD

Pyramid Architectural Designs LTD is an architectural consultancy firm that offers drawings for residential and commercial construction projects, such as home extensions, loft conversions, commercial buildings, and many more. They cover everything from the initial design to the execution of the project, promising clients a hassle-free experience at all times. With their reliable and well-trained team, this company is able to deliver an organised and efficient process to everyone without requiring them to spend an overly huge amount of money. For enquiries, interested parties can fill out their contact form at Likewise, call them via 01642 280 339.

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