New Members
To become a member please click subscribe and fill out the free registration form. Once you are a member, you will be able to do any of the following:
- Subscribe to receive news updates
- Add press releases
- Add urls of your websites
- Create a co-branded version of
You can modify your registration information at any time, by clicking edit profile. You may choose to receive updates, when news are added to your favorite news categories. You may select your favorite categories by clicking the checkboxes next to their names. The service is completely free of charge.
Subscribe to News
Once you are a member, you can choose your favorite News categories, and you will receive weekly email updates for those categories. In order to do this, simply Edit Your Profile, and select "Yes" for the "Receive News Updates" option, and choose your favorite news categories. When you are done, click "Modify Profile".
UnSubscribe from News
At any time, you can choose not to receive News updates. In order to do this, simply Edit Your Profile, and select "No" for the "Receive News Updates" option. When you are done, click "Modify Profile".
Adding Press Releases
Once you are a member, you can add press releases, by clicking "add pr". Once you add a press release, you can modify by clicking edit pr. If you have submitted several press releases, you may search for the one that you wish to modify, or simply click "list all", to get the list of all your press releases. You are allowed to add press releases free of charge.
Adding URLs
Once you are a member, you can add urls, by clicking "add url". Once you add a url, you can modify by clicking edit url. If you have submitted several urls, you may search for the one that you wish to modify, or simply click "list all", to get the list of all your urls.
Setting Up Co-Branding
Once you are a member, you can setup to have the look and feel of your site. In order to do this, simply Edit Your Profile and click on "Co-Branding". You can then select either "Basic" or "Premium" co-branding options. Basic Co-Branding allows you to link to a version of that more closely matches your site.
Premium Co-Branding allows you to completely change to fit your needs. You can input a header and a footer, including your own banners, and the content will appear between the header and the footer. You also have an option to setup a sub-domain of your choice, so that you can simply link ot and that will bring up a co-branded version of that you setup.
If you did not setup a sub-domain, you can link to your co-branded version of by placing the following link anywhere on your site "" where USERNAME is the username you use to access