Silver Hydrogen Peroxide


Company Name: Silver Hydrogen Peroxide


Founded: Kolkata

Annual Revenue:


Emailwire ID: silvox

Number of Employees:


Categories: General,General,Manufacturing / Production,...


Company Overview

Silver Hydrogen Peroxide marketed under the trade name of Alstasan Silvox by Chemtex Speciality Limited is a universal broad spectrum biocide with varied applications from soil disinfection to potable water disinfectant. As a poultry disinfectant, it stops spread of poultry diseases, even as a dairy disinfectant for sterilization of milk and equipment, aquaculture disinfectant for checking microbial growth in waters, effective for waste water sanitation from pharma, textiles and other industries. Swimming pool treatment and irrigation water sterilization are other notable applications. Silver H2O2 achieves effective sterilization in hospitals.

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