Company Name: Private Placements Group |
Founded: 2006 |
Annual Revenue: |
Exchange: |
Emailwire ID: |
Number of Employees: 10 |
Symbol: |
Categories: General,General,General,... |
Company Overview
** Learn how to participate in High Return-Low Risk Commercial Real Estate Investments *** through my Private Placements Group (PPG) . . .
I host a global private network of individual and institutional investors, capital resources and deal flow organized to meet the private placement needs of individual/institutional serial investors that enjoy close relationships, open architecture and collaboration with venture capital, and investment institutions. These relationships facilitate the access to capital, talent, technology and resources needed to build a successful commercial venture. Investors who meet PPG accreditation standards are eligible for online access to our database. PPG serves a rapidly growing user base of accredited investors worldwide. Registered users include a wide range of institutional investors and high net worth individuals. Membership is by application/invitation only.
The quality and diverse deal flow of the Private Placements Group includes any segment with high growth opportunity. Our network of accredited and sophisticated investors seek low to medium risk exposure in qualified direct asset acquisitions. We offer brick and mortar price, location, quality, growth and upside potential. Acquisitions will typically yield reasonable initial cash returns of no less than 15% annually, with the expectation of superior returns and significant profit upon resale. Transaction structure (equity ownership or debt financing) flexibility meets the need for cash flow and tax benefits including pass through depreciation and offset of capital gains via:
Direct, Equity Joint Ventures, Preferred Equity, Fixed Rate Mezzanine, and Participating Mezzanine Limited Partnerships accomodating:
Self Directed IRA, Direct Ownership Passive Returns