

Company Name: DRAFTINGSimplified.com

URL: http://www.draftingsimplified.com


Annual Revenue:


Emailwire ID: draftingsimplified

Number of Employees:


Categories: General,General,General,...


Company Overview

Drafting Simplified in India offers a one stop solution to your customers having varied needs…be it on turn around time or cost or various services… Just by a simple click of a button at any time (24X7) you can upload your jobs on line by just three simple steps as simple as 1 - 2 and 3 and pay on line.

Why Drafting Simplified:-

1. Strong technological background
2. Over 250 Man years of experience
3. 24X7 support

Draftingsimplified.com as easy as 1 – 2 - 3 steps…

1. Post your Job: - Submit your input in any form – Paper/Cad/JPG/PDF.
2. Receive next day: - Converted CAD files as per your specification & instruction.
3. Relax: - Relax; your document is taken care of.

So why should you wait for? Register at DraftingSimplified! For receive your first job free.

Drafting Simplified offers its services in converting drawings in any form to editable CAD files. DraftingSimplified.com is one of the first few service providers in the industry to offer drafting services through an automated online logistic system. With a strong technical background and over 250 Man years of CAD conversion experience, DraftingSimplified.com caters to all your drafting needs. With our state of the art online art production management system, we have helped reduce the co-ordination issues among the Architects, civil engineers and drafters.

The most commonly used services of Drafting Simplified are:

• Paper to CAD

• Create Custom Library

• Archive Historical Plans

• Concept to CAD

• Surface from Survey

• Simulation and Walkthrough

• Edge Match Sheets

• Effortless Redline Changes

• Space/Facility optimization in CAD

• Hydro drawings

• Exploded views

• Component catalog and archive

Online Drafting Services:

Ø Cartography

Ø Architectural Drafting

Ø Structural Drafting

Ø Civil Drafting

Ø Mechanical Drafting

Know about Drafting Services, Process, Pricing, Post a Job, Free Registration and Help at “http://www.draftingsimplified.com/”, you can also contact at “info@draftingsimplified.com" OR call at "+91.992.444.3810"