Webmasters and website owners who are interested in adding content to their websites are invited to participate in a cobranding design contest. Winners of the contest will receive $75, $50 or $25 for first, second and third place respectively. The contest begins today and ends in March 31, 2004. Finalists will receive their prizes on the 30th of April 2004. To qualifify for this contest, participants must have websites with at least 10,000 users per month. Contestants take part by registering at Emailwire.com and designing cobrands that suite the look and feel of their existing websites. The process to sign up for an account and to create a cobranded website takes less than 30 minutes.

Members have the option to wrap their own content around 3,000 industry news that are updated daily from Emailwire.com. They also have the option to place banners or text-based advertisement of any size on their co-branded sites to generate additional income.

After each contestant has created a cobranded website, Groupweb.com, the parent company of Emailwire.com, will pay $75, $50 and $25 to first, second and third place winner respectively by the end of April 2004. Rules and steps on how to take part in the co-branding design contest are described below. The selecting process for winners will depend on how closely participants adhere to these rules.

Contest Rules

Cobranding contest rules are follows:

  • Contestants are encouraged to unleash their creativity. Prizes are are awarded based on creativity, navigation, links from owner's website to the cobranded site and style in content integration.
  • No adult or obscene content or advertisement should be associated with cobranded pages.
  • Participants should not use spam or any such advertisement techniques to promote cobranded site or content or sites linked to it.
  • Owners of cobranded sites should have links from their main website that encourage users to view and use cobranded site.
  • Participation to the contest does not imply any partnership arrangement between contestant and GroupWeb.com or Emailwire.com.
  • This cobranded constest is not an affiliate program.

Setting Up Cobranding

In order to setup a cobrand of Emailwire.com, you will have to become a member. Membership is free and it only takes about 15 minutes to signup. Once you are a member, you can setup Emailwire.com to have the look and feel of your site. In order to do this, simply Edit Your Profile and click on "Cobranding". You can then select either "Basic" or "Premium" cobranding options.

Basic Cobranding allows you to link to a version of emailwire.com that more closely matches your site.

Premium Cobranding allows you to completely change EmailWire.com to fit your needs. You can input a header and a footer, including your own banners, and the EmailWire.com content will appear between the header and the footer. You also have an option to setup a sub-domain of your choice, so that you can simply link to http://YOURNAME.emailwire.com and that will bring up a cobranded version of EmailWire.com that you setup.

If you did not setup a sub-domain, you can link to your cobranded version of Emailwire.com by placing the following link anywhere on your site "https://www.emailwire.com/cgi-bin/news/db.cgi?cb=YOURUSERNAME" where USERNAME is the username you use to access Emailwire.com.

Examples of Co-branded websites: