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(EMAILWIRE.COM, June 08, 2024 ) OMAHA, NEBRASKA – (EMAILWIRE) - Maya Ratcliff, founder and CEO of Hawaii Fluid Art (HFA), announced the grand opening of a new studio in Omaha, Nebraska: http://omaha.hawaiifluidart.com. WHERE: 715 N. 132nd St., Omaha, NE 68154 WHEN: Saturday, June 19, 2024... more

MT. JULIET, TENNESSEE – (EMAILWIRE) - Maya Ratcliff, founder and CEO of Hawaii Fluid Art, announced the opening of a new franchise location in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. WHERE: 401 S. Mount Juliet Rd., Suite 535, Mount Juliet, Tennessee 37122 WHAT: Hawaii Fluid Art offers unique art classes that... more

Top four most popular diamond cuts in the industry
(EMAILWIRE.COM, July 28, 2022 ) Ontario, Canada -- When the question arises as to what the most popular diamond in the industry is, the round-cut diamonds come to mind. However, other diamonds cuts such as princess cut, cushion cut, oval cut and the pear cut are making inroads into popularity. The... more

Dairy Blends Market, Share, Size, Growth, Impact of COVID-19, Global Forecast 2021 - 2027 - Renub Research
(EMAILWIRE.COM, September 27, 2021 ) Dairy blends are dairy products produced by blending or mixing two dairy mixes, such as condensed cream or butter mixed with vegetable oils. Dairy blends are chosen over dairy products because of perks such as low cost, ease of spreadability, and health benefits.... more

United States Alcoholic Beverage Market, Impact of COVID-19, By Type, Companies, Forecast By 2027 - Renub Research
(EMAILWIRE.COM, September 24, 2021 ) The alcoholic beverage is a thriving part of the United States economy, owing to its authenticity, flavor, brand and refreshing properties. It has become an essential commodity and is gaining popularity in the trend of socialization with alcohol among young people... more

Biodiesel Market, Impact of COVID-19, By Blend, Feed Stock Type, Companies, Forecast By 2027
(EMAILWIRE.COM, August 10, 2021 ) Biodiesel is a diesel fuel surrogate used in diesel engines. The feedstock is obtained from various feedstocks, including vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil, soybean oil and waste & residues. The multiple advantages of using biodiesel include its biodegradability,... more

Processed Meat Market By Meat Type, Companies, Forecast by 2027
(EMAILWIRE.COM, July 28, 2021 ) Worldwide, the adoption of a fast-paced life has initiated a new trend of Processed Meat consumption. More extended working hour's leaves limited time for young adults to have a home-cooked meal. So the demand for ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook meat products with better... more

Indonesia Milk Powder Market by Import & Export, Companies, Forecast by 2026
(EMAILWIRE.COM, July 26, 2021 ) Indonesia remains one of the most diverse regions in economic growth, changing food consumption preferences and relative availability of resources. Indonesia has been experiencing up surge in demand for dairy milk powder products. Apart from that, domestic milk powder... more

India Cashew Market by States, COVID-19 Impact, Countries, Companies, Forecast by 2027
(EMAILWIRE.COM, July 26, 2021 ) India was the primary country to enter the worldwide cashew trade. Cashew is a vital cash crop and a highly valued nutrient in Indian agriculture. Cashew provides an essential source of income and food security for small holder producers and low-income groups. However,... more

Palm Oil Market By Importing, Exporting Countries, Companies, Global Forecast By 2026
(EMAILWIRE.COM, May 31, 2021 ) The Palm oil is derived from the mesocarp of the palm tree fruit (Elaeisguineensis) originates from West –Africa. Nowaday’s palm oil is used as an edible vegetable oil because it provides high colour and flavour to cuisines. Palm oil is also an essential factor in manufacturing... more

Meal Kit Market Global by Country, Type, Ordering Method, Category, Company Analysis, Forecast by 2027
(EMAILWIRE.COM, May 19, 2021 ) The consequence of COVID-19 is positive in the meal kits industry. From empty supermarkets to over 26,000 shut restaurants, dining for fun appears a situation of antiquity. In light of these conditions, the comfort of meal kits has converted a retaining grace for millions... more

Global Organic Dairy Market will be US$ 54.4 Billion by the year 2025
(EMAILWIRE.COM, June 05, 2020 ) Organic Dairy Market Global Analysis by Region, Product, Channel Distribution, Companies (Arla Foods, China Shengmu Organic Milk Limited, Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), SunOpta Inc, Organic Valley) provides a complete analysis of the organic dairy market. Pandemic... more

Japan Outbound Tourism Market is anticipated to be more than US$ 49 Billion by the end of the year 2025
(EMAILWIRE.COM, May 08, 2020 ) Japan Outbound Tourism Market, Tourists Numbers, Countries (Aus, IND, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, US, UK), Purpose of Visit (Holiday, Visit Friends & Relatives, Business, Others) How is Coronavirus affecting the Outbound Tourism of Japan? The... more

Celebrate Events Throughout the Year
(EMAILWIRE.COM, January 13, 2020 ) The new year is just beginning and with it comes a multitude of reasons to celebrate a special occasion. Whether it’s a significant milestone like a birthday or anniversary, a wedding, an engagement party or a holiday, Step and Repeat LA can put the WOW factor... more

The global Rowing Machines market expected to grow at a CAGR of over 5% during the forecast period.
(EMAILWIRE.COM, November 20, 2019 ) Market Dynamics • Global rowing machine market is primarily driver by rapid urbanization, rising awareness of health and fitness, hectic work schedules, and growing health issues are among the factors promoting the growth of fitness centers and health clubs globally.... more